
Saturday, May 14, 2016

Examined: [Skin]DNA Natual skin care Technologies along with SkinShift & Medical professional Ruthie Harper

Being very pale, it made sense to me that I was at high risk when it came to the sun protection factor, and that my protection factor glycation was also high (relates to the formation of wrinkles, dryness, laxity and sagging due to increased production of free radicals and decreased skin elasticity, it is how well your skin processes sugar), however, surprised to discover that I was at high risk also under the control factor of the inflammation. It was nice to get some face time one-on-one with Dr. Harper, as mentioned it could be related to a genetic autoimmune disease I have that cause inflammation, which totally made sense in the spectrum of all in that relates the body and possibly affecting the skin, as it is the largest organ of our body!

With this knowledge, what now?
Besides the fact that beauty and science is pretty darn cool, it's really a unique opportunity to treat and protect your skin preventively against future damage. My recommendations include both skin care and supplements that combine natural ingredients concentrates are also free of fragrance, color, mineral oils and parabens that could be harmful, irritating, or cause an allergic reaction.

Knowing that each budgets and beauty routines vary, it seemed useful report that my skin including my recommendations of products classified in importance, so if I were to collect or use only one or two items, and I know what strategically selected. My products include antioxidant cleanser, toner balance, antioxidant moisturizer, soothing serum treatment, treatment serum vitamin C, and the sun, glycation, and supplements defense of inflammation.

As I feel like I have seen and experienced the full range of beauty products and technology in my field, it is refreshing to find a different way to approach skin care from a reliable source.

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